smalL PreSS faIrs

are winter clotheslines of underware and socks - we come in and unload our minds on these tiny table tops and watch as people pass, stop, consider, refuse, purchase, converse, are intregued, reject our writing and thus ourselves....WAIT a minute.
okay, no. it's not exactly like that, but the atmosphere at both fairs was a heavy shade of grey for sure. the venues changed (for both) and maybe that had something to do with it. the weather outside was sunny and sweet (for both) and maybe that had something to do about it. either way, i found myself sitting beside some synical people who packed up early - conviced that the better tactic would have been to sing up (get your name in the anthology and on display)but not show up - $advertising$.
for me, i learned a lot. i want to make my writing more accessible to people at these things - more interactive in some way - so that they can engage themselves to get a feel for where i'm coming from and then be able to decide whether or not they'd enjoy my book. something to zap the pressure. also, it's sharing, connecting and feedback that i really want from these things, so i should be giving people free poems with contact info. for getting back to me. HELLo!
sometimes i want to hollar in the streets - like howard beal in "network"; "i'm getting crazy and i'm not going to take it anymore!" - write poetry on the walls! wear poetry! tatoo myself in words! rant in pubs!
ahhh, tip of the tongue press will be unleashing all sorts of tongues before this trip is through!
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