koh toa, thailand

this picture was taken on koh tao, an island in thailand, by laura. i am always so nervous getting my picture taken, but she kept snapping away as we (her, ben and i) were eating breakfest at our regular spot on the beach after a cool morning swim and stretch - nothing like being in a routine of getting up and into your bathing suit and sarong, then heading out to start the day - ahhh, the island.
well, she sent me this picture just as i was thinking about connecting with the internet for writing - with so much help and support from kyle, which is ongoing and deeply appreciated - so i wanted to use it as my profile shot. we are still trying to hook that up so it rests here as a post, but i wanted to take this time to add that kyle has played with the original shot to bring me more into the sun here - so, this picture has become filled with light - and i am thankful.
i know a few of you will understand what i mean when i say,
i see you
je vous vois
-love, laura
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